一顿美满的晚餐,绝对是情人节不可缺少的环节。位于PMQ的高级西班牙餐厅Vasco,行政总厨Paolo Casagrande特别为情人节设计了美味又耀目的9道菜菜单,只在2月14日晚上供应。特别推荐一道烟熏生蚝伴珍珠及咖啡咖喱泡沫。晶莹剔透的珍珠不止美观,内藏鲜蚝精华更加美味可口,伴随烟熏过的生蚝,与轻盈的咖啡咖喱泡沫同吃,味道更为丰富,满口海洋滋味。其他菜式亦一如以往经过名厨的用心设计,配搭精彩,定必为您带来耳目一新的味觉享受。 Vasco情人节套餐每位$1,680,现已接受预付订座。
Amuse bouche
Mille-feuille of smoked salmon, foie gras, spring onion and green apple
Soft crab curd with “ajoblanco”, crayfish and caviar
Natural oyster with sea salad, coffee and curry emulsion
Sliced Iberian pork presa with mustard ice cream and tarragon pesto
Black truffle egg and beetroot with herb liquid salad and cheese bombon
Roasted wild turbot with romanesco puree and couscous, gribiche sauce and
smoked pimenton
Chargrilled Rhug Estate venison saddle with black olives and potatoes gnocchi, ginger and citrus crumble and carrot essence
Celery sorbet with mango pastille and frozen pear
White chocolate, rose, strawberry and cava
有关Vasco Spanish Fine Dining
Website: www.isono-vasco.com.hk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vascofinedining