
Botanical Printed (T-shirt/Tote Bag) Workshop


From Now – 31 December 2025 (Wednesday) (By appointment)


11:00am – 2:00pm / 2:30pm – 5:30pm / 6:30pm – 9:30pm
(Any 3 hours, 3 days prior to the actual workshop date by appointment)

01/01/2025 11:00 12/31/2025 21:30 Asia/Hong_Kong Botanical Printed (T-shirt/Tote Bag) Workshop DATE: From Now – 31 December 2025 (Wednesday) (By appointment)
TIME: 11:00am – 2:00pm / 2:30pm – 5:30pm / 6:30pm – 9:30pm (Any 3 hours, 3 days prior to the actual workshop date by appointment)
S204, Staunton

S204, Staunton

A studio X YC
Fee (HKD)

$580 / per person
$480 / per person (For two people traveling together)

Enquiry & RSVP

Whatsapp: +852 6765 5294 / Instagram: @A_studio_204

Botanical Printing, also known as Eco-printing, is a common printing technique around Europe, America, and Australia. It is a technique that uses high temperature and pressure to release the natural colouring in plants. The way of arranging the plants on the fabric before steaming, will create in different results every time and create beautiful pictures.

We will provide plants that we have tested to gives vivid colour after steaming for students to create their product, the plants includes Eucalyptus, Roses’ leaves, Pinus massoniana, onion skins, etc. And we also encourage students to bring along plants they found in nature or up-cycled plants to the studio and test the result of using those materials through the workshop.

  • Fabric: 100% cotton
  • Duration: within 3 hours (included one hour of steaming)
  • Workshop Time: Book by appointment through contacting us (please book 3 days prior to the actual workshop date)
  • Parent-child participation in any plant botanical printing workshop need add $100
    • RSVP
      1) Botanical Printed T-shirt
      2) Botanical Printed T-shirt ($100 off per person, for two people traveling together)

      3) Botanical Printing Tote Bag
      4) Botanical Printing Tote Bag ($100 off per person, for two people traveling together)

      Know more about YC Yeung Chin
      Facebook: /
      Instagram: @A_studio_204 / @yeungchin_yc

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