IDEA architects
Building / Floor / Unit No.
Staunton / 6F / S605
Cheng Xiao, Yan Gao & Thomas Coldyfy
9:30am - 6:00pm

IDEA’s design agenda is to develop an architecture that emerges from the critical thinking of the present architectural practice. IDEA questions the established pattern and the seeks to develop a synthesis of cohesive architectural organization that could be engineered into endurable future. This approach positions IDEA’s practice within the domain of architectural discipline while embracing the rich heterogeneity and flux of social, cultural, material and ecological substrates.

Our professional design service will award our clients’ investment with innovative, intelligent and interdisciplinary architectural design proposals.

Innovation stays at the heart of our service philosophy. We appreciate the knowledge economy and believe the value in innovation globally. Our innovation will be rooted in the project context and constrains in respect to clients’ essential interests. Our design innovation is surprisingly satisfactory with unexpected yet fitful new possibilities beyond the design solutions for problems.

Intelligence is the engine to power our design process. We believe that every project has its own uniqueness. The customized design approach will be engineered to become design strategies and intelligence, which guarantee the excellence of our design products.

Interdisciplinary maps out our belief in seeking design concepts. We encourage a mix of expertise in the very early design stage, including but not limited to engineers, programmers, suppliers, contractors, because we never though architectural design is about its ontological investigation and creation. It is our vision that the architectural creativity will likely emerge though interdisciplinary thinking while our knowledge is increasingly distributed, digitized, specialized, and connected.

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