
PMQ MOVIE LAB【The Study of Book-to-Movie Adaptations】


30 April 2023 (Sunday) – 1 May 2023 (Monday)


11:00am – 7:00pm

04/30/2023 11:00 05/01/2023 19:00 Asia/Hong_Kong PMQ MOVIE LAB【The Study of Book-to-Movie Adaptations】 DATE: 30 April 2023 (Sunday) – 1 May 2023 (Monday)
TIME: 11:00am – 7:00pm
Qube, 2/F

Qube, 2/F

Co-organized by
Fee (HKD)


PMQ MOVIE LAB【The Study of Book-to-Movie Adaptations】event details released !

▶︎ MOVIE LAB x MOViE MOViE Screening — 【A Man Called Ove】

── Synopsis ──
59-year-old Ove a grumpy and stubborn man who keeps looking over the neighbourhood with an iron fist. When he decides to end his own lonely life, a group of people (and a cat) starts interrupting his suicide plan……

Based on the Swedish bestselling novel of the same name, A Man Called Ove is a drama comedy about unexpected friendship, love and the importance of surrounding yourself with the proper tools.

── Screening Details ──
Date & Time:30 April 2023 (Sunday) | 14:30 – 16:30
RSVP: https://bit.ly/3MKnGHP

▶︎ Post-Screening Sharing【What I Talk About When I Talk About Adaptions……】

In this sharing session, we invite two speakers @diveintob00ks and @hotak1999 who love books and films, to talk about their favourite adaptions and the how the interpretations of stories diversify between text and moving images.

── Event Details──
Date & Time:30 April 2023 (Sunday) | 16:30 – 17:30
RSVP: https://bit.ly/3GMOUcZ

▶︎ MOVIE LAB x MOViE MOViE Screening — 【The Collini Case】

── Synopsis ──
Lawyer Caspar Leinen is confronted with a spectacular case when appointed by the court as a defence counsel: the 70-year-old Italian Fabrizio Collini kills the respected industrial magnate Hans Meyer in his Berlin hotel suite for no apparent reason.

Caspar has to find out why Collini murdered an exemplary man like Meyer of all people. As Caspar dives deeper and deeper into the case against all odds, he is not only confronted with his own past, but also comes across one of the biggest judicial scandals in German history and a truth that nobody wants to hear.

── Screening Details ──
Date & Time:1 May 2023 (Monday) | 14:30 – 16:30
RSVP: https://bit.ly/3A4AjFW

▶︎【The Many Faces of Stories】— Book x Movie Mini-Exhibition

Words and images are both forms of media for story-telling. This exhibition selects a number of works from different countries and eras, presents different ways of storytelling side by side, and compares them with each other to discover the diversified interpretations between original books and adapted movies.

No registration is required for the exhibition. Feel free to visit!

── Exhibition Details ──
Date & Time:30 April – 1 May 2023 (Sunday – Monday) | 11:00 – 19:00*
*The exhibition will be temporarily closed during screening and sharing session.

Organized By: PMQ MOVIE LAB @pmqmovielab
Programme Partner: MOViE MOViE @moviemoviehk
Exhibits provide by: @moviemarkshk | @yaneuraroom_


[ Know more about Programme Partner: MOViE MOViE (NowTV ch116) ]

Website: MOViE MOViE (NowTV ch116)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/moviemoviebybc
Instagram: @moviemoviehk

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